BOOK An Appointment


2024 Rates

60 minutes ............$120

90 minutes ............$180

PLEASE BE ADVISED wE have moved to 1154 D Front St

as of july 1, 2024


 Massage Therapy available: Monday to Sunday


Please read our terms and conditions.  By booking and appointment you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions listed on this page.

We do not Direct Bill


We no longer sell Gift Certificates

We are all Registered Massage Therapists and you can submit your receipt to your insurance provider for a refund. 

To book online: we require credit card  & contact information

Thank you. 


Welcome to Takhina Therapeutics


Terms and Conditions of Takhina Therapeutics:

Cancellation Policy24 hours notice required for a cancellation.  The total cost of your appointment will be billed to you for missed appointments or cancellations without the 24 hour notice. Some exceptions may be considered.

Appointment Time: All appointments will consist of time towards an assessment, the treatment and home care of the condition being presented. You are required to arrive to your appointment on time and no later than the start time of your appointment. If you are late, you will be billed for the full cost of the time allotted for your appointment. If your appointment time allotment is 45 minutes or less and you are 15 minutes or more late there is not enough time to conduct a thorough treatment and you will be required to pay for the appointment and reschedule for another time.

Payment Policy: All payments must be made on the same day as your appointment. This office accepts e-transfers, cash and cheques, Visa, Mastercard, American express, Discover, Visa Debit & Debit Mastercard. Payment by credit card will incur a transaction fee. A $50 NSF charge will apply on any returned cheque as well as the original payment all made in a cash payment. E-transfers must be sent to the office before your appointment.

Cold Weather Closure Policy:  We will do everything in our power to be in the office, however, we will contact you if the ambient temperature is -42 or colder. 
Cold/Flu Policy: We ask that you refrain from booking or attending any booked appointment if you are experiencing any type of cold or flu symptoms. If you have an appointment booked and develop symptoms please contact us as soon as possible so we can reschedule the appointment for a later date. If you come to an appointment and you have cold or flu symptoms we will have to send you away and charge you for the full amount of the appointment time booked. 

Symptoms include: sneezing, coughing, runny nose, body aches, fatigue, upset stomach (diarrhea/vomiting). Any of these symptoms with/without fever. 

We do not want to spread any colds/influenza. If you need to reschedule please call 867.393.3224 ASAP. 

Scents/Lotion Policy: Please refrain from wearing any perfumes/colognes and/or body staining/suntan lotions.This also includes the smell of Cannabis Products You maybe asked to reschedule your appointment if the scents are too strong. If you are asked to leave you will have to pay for the full appointment time. If you have tanning lotion on and its stains the linens you may be charged a replacement fee. 

Insurance Claims Policy: In the case of an insurance claim or similar claim where you require copies of the practitioners charting there are two formats available; digital and hard copy.  If you would like the digital version of your charts, they will be made available to you via the Janeapp booking system free of charge.  If you would like a hard copy of your charts there will be a fee of 50 cents per double-sided printed page.  You will then be required to come in to the office and pick up your documents as we will NOT deliver them to your lawyer.

Thank you for your understanding, 
Takhina Therapeutics