Soft Tissue Release Training originated in the mid 1980’s and is the foundation of recent release techniques.

What is Soft Tissue Release (STR)?

STR is a combination of Myofascial Release, Therapeutic Massage, and Active Assisted Stretching. The technique involves applying precise pressure during a specific stretch performed in multiple planes of movement. The result: effective and comparatively quick reorganization of scar tissue, the targeted muscle(s) return to the proper resting length, muscle imbalances are corrected or improved, associated pain is decreased or possibly eliminated altogether.

Who should take this workshop? This 2-day practical hands on workshop is extremely beneficial for heath care professionals dealing with injuries to soft tissue. Health care providers such as massage therapists, physiotherapists, athletic therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists and students of the above professions can benefit from this workshop.

Workshop Details

This practical hands-on workshop is delivered in a unique, learner-centered way. A brief review of the anatomy and physiology of soft tissue, and the changes in tissue resulting from injury, is followed by an explanation of how the application of soft tissue release techniques can achieve positive results quickly and permanently. The two basic movements of STR are taught and then participants move into practical sessions, applying STR techniques to different body areas.

After completing the workshop participants will have the confidence and skills to properly apply the techniques to their clients immediately.

STR with Jim Bilotta is accredited with most provincial massage therapy associations in

Canada and the Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association.

Instructor – Jim Bilotta CAT(C), M.Ed, Dip SIM, B.PhEd Jim is a member of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association since 1992 and has worked at Brock University for the past 24 years. Over the past eight years Jim has taught STR workshops throughout Canada to a variety of health care professionals including Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Athletic Therapists, and students of these professions. Jim has completed a Masters degree in Education, specializing in adult learning and developed this Soft Tissue Release workshop and manual as part of his graduate work. Jim utilizes many adult learning principles in his workshops to help participants understand the soft tissue release principles and techniques.

For further inquiries regarding Soft Tissue Release please contact:

Jim Bilotta CAT(C) • Tel: 289-686-8926 • Email:

Visit our website at:


Whitehorse, YT

Tuesday August 12 and Wednesday August 13, 2014


Professionals: $350.00

If you are interested please contact: Kala Smith


Phone 867-332-3258

If there is enough interest the workshop will run